Duck checkpoint

About me

Hello, my name is Hanna!⼥

Me,  if I was black and white with a hint of blue

I love technology👽 and I’m passionate about infosec👩‍💻.I hold a master’s degree in cybersecurity and currently work as a full-stack developer at a startup🚀.

This blog is a part of my cybersecurity projects portfolio, they should be at my github page

I am trying to keep up with the progress, so I made this blog to break down complex things for my future readers and most importantly for myself.

My motto is that it’s possible to explain complex things in simple terms. I’m going to be careful with these words, but before you come after me - I just want to say that I’m young, ambitious, resourceful, introverted, and I have a LOT of free time.

You want to learn something? Teach it to somebody👍


🤔💡I am writing about tech tips, diving deep into topics or giving opinionated reviews

🐥📈I measure the complexity of each topics with ducks aka “duck levels”.

😏I encourage feedback and I would love to see you working with me by “debugging with the duck” method

Duck llustration

🦆 For example, entering a virtual environment for ethical hacking practice is something that requires explanation. That would be like 🐤🐤🐤 ducks.

🦆 But roasting the latest AI feature or explaining a single concept is fun and easy to read. Solid 🐤 duck.


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